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# poems
updated at: 2019-03-03
May our friendship lives long!

Sorry my friend, no love poem for thee.
Starry my friend, no matter where I am.

Thou shall know, my friend,
Thy pure heart, crystal clear, wondering me.
How can it be? How it be done?

Coz the identity of poet,
coz the time and space,
no one could stop me,
valuing it, expressing it.

Like Alpha, I've been blessed by this friendship.
Like Omega, I still bless thee and thy love.
Like morning shine always be with thee.

When thou down, when thou tired,
Thou shall know, world be lighted up by thee in somewhere, someplace.

Sometime, someone, friendship won't belong to earth anymore.
Something, some sense, like a friend in Titan, the moon of Saturn.

Someday, as soon as it can be, as close as it can be.
Someday, there's no bloody pain, there's no broken heart.

Blessing, is always a simple thing.
Just for a friend, a friend like you.
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